Silo Art Trail

The Silo Art Trail map.
Map of the Silo Art Trail

We had some time off in Perth planned for the second week on June 20, however Covid-19 put a stop to that. So I took the opportunity to travel the Silo Art Trail, something I had on my list for some time. Below is a few of the images from the trail.

First up after overnight at The Grampians, Rupanyup Silo.
The eyes really make it.
Next up was Sheep Hills.
On to Brim with their two “Double Geelong” Silos
Further up the trail we found what we think is a single “Double Geelong” at Rosebery.
Interesting to guess what the crops are as we pass the paddocks along the road.
Finishing the day at Patchewollock before heading west to Pine Plains Lodge for the week.